Get It Done program allows residents and visitors to report certain types of non-emergency problems to the C..." />

Reports of non-emergency problems submitted by users of Get It Done

The Get It Done program allows residents and visitors to report certain types of non-emergency problems to the City using the Get It Done mobile app, web app, or by telephone. This dataset contains all Get It Done reports the City has received since the program launched in May 2016.

New! We have reorganized the data into a single file of currently open reports and closed reports by year. Users who would prefer to get reports by problem type should refer to the datasets for:

The scope of this data is limited to information from the reports citizen users submit through Get It Done. The data includes fields for the date and time a report was submitted, what the problem was, the location of the problem, and the date when the user was notified that the City addressed the problem. This data does not include details about any work performed to fix a problem or the date and time work was completed. Reports that are referred outside of the Get It Done system have a status of “Referred”.

Please note that this data includes every user-submitted report and should not be considered an official record of City maintenance work. For example, users might submit problems that have already been reported, that are the responsibility of another government agency or private business, that cannot be found or verified, or that are already scheduled to be fixed in a long-term maintenance plan. The details about how the City addressed each report are outside of the scope of this dataset.

If you have any questions about this data, please contact If you have questions about your Get It Done report, please refer to your confirmation email.

Additional Info

License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
Publisher Performance & Analytics
Date Issued (YYYY-MM-DD) 2016-05-26
Date Modified (YYYY-MM-DD) 2025-03-26
Category City Management
Maintainer City of San Diego
Maintainer Email