Demersal Fishes (trawl caught) - Ocean Monitoring Program

Abundance, standard length, and biomass of fishes observed in trawls throughout the region. Samples are collected as part of The City’s Ocean Monitoring Program, which monitors the effects of treated wastewater effluent on the local marine environment. The OMP extends 340 square miles total from northern San Diego to northern Baja California, Mexico, and encompasses the shoreline seaward approximately 10 miles, to depths of over 500 meters.

Additional Info

License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
Publisher Public Utilities
Date Issued (YYYY-MM-DD) 2020-07-02
Date Modified (YYYY-MM-DD) 2024-08-21
Category Energy & Environment
Maintainer City of San Diego
Maintainer Email