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Operating Actuals

This dataset includes the City’s operating actuals. This data is also visualized by our online budget tool at budget.sandiego.gov.

The Operating actuals show dollars spent throughout the City to fund operations and services. Rows in this dataset show actuals at the expense or revenue account level. Each row includes the corresponding department and fund type, but additional corresponding information is available in separate reference datasets. Read our explanation on how to join the reference datasets to the actuals datasets.

For the actuals that include dollars spent to build and upgrade City infrastructure, see the dataset for the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Actuals.

Additional Info

License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
Date Issued (YYYY-MM-DD) 2018-10-15
Date Modified (YYYY-MM-DD) 2025-01-27
Category City Management
Maintainer City of San Diego
Maintainer Email data@sandiego.gov