Streets Repair Projects

Repair projects include City streets that have been repaired since July 1, 2013 (first full fiscal year comprehensive street repair data is readily available) and those that are currently scheduled for repair.

As of 2015, the City of San Diego’s street network consists of approximately 3,000 miles of streets as measured along their center-lines, the majority of which are asphalt streets. The City uses center-line miles to describe the distance of our street network. “Repair-miles” are used to describe repair work and account for both the length and width of our streets. Totals for miles paved are in repair miles. This data is displayed on

Types of street repair

  • Asphalt Paving / Overlay / Inlay - Placement of a new layer of asphalt at a thickness of 1.5 to 3 inches over an old worn-out street surface or by first removing 2 to 3 inches of existing asphalt before a new layer is placed.
  • Concrete - Repairs to concrete streets range from patching with asphalt to removal and replacement of isolated concrete panels and complete reconstruction of the entire roadway when warranted.
  • Slurry Seal - Slurry sealing repair uses a mixture of sand and an emulsion of petroleum products to coat a street surface up to 3/8 of an inch thick. A slurry seal coating is not a complete resurfacing treatment and is used to preserve and prolong the state of asphalt pavements in ‘fair’ to ‘good’ condition. As part of this process, crack sealing and small surface repairs may be conducted before the sealing effort.

Additional Info

License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
Date Issued (YYYY-MM-DD) 2016-09-16
Date Modified (YYYY-MM-DD) 2025-01-21
Category Transportation, City Infrastructure
Maintainer City of San Diego
Maintainer Email